Wednesday, December 5, 2018

The Market, Energy, And Politcal Page, T+29 -- December 5, 2018

Disclaimer: This is not an investment site. Do not make any investment, financial, job, travel, or relationship decisions based on what you read here or what you think you may have read here.
Pipelines: for several faithful readers -- Tallgrass Energy update from Michael Fitzsimmons over at SeekingAlpha.
  • Tallgrass is now a dividend-paying corporation. That means no IDRs, no K-1 tax forms, and a simplified corporation structure.
  • But the company's business is still the same. It has interest in two tier-1 pipelines: REX (natural gas) and Pony Express (oil).
  • Tallgrass has transitioned away from the MLP model that is so out of favor with investors and Wall Street.
  • The current 8.7% yield is safe and secure. Two auspicious crude oil pipeline projects ensure organic growth going forward.
  • The shares are a Buy and could rise to $26/share over the next 12 months, for a total return potential of 25%+.
Digital Media Implosion

Obviously there's a lot more to this, but when I quickly read through these articles about all the digital media outlets that were going broke (see screenshot from the Drudge Report below), one common thread: most of them were political in nature, even such digital magazines as Vanity Fair, have become way too political. I have quit subscribing to The New York Review of Books and The London Review of Books because there was just too  much anti-Trump stuff. I've also pretty much quit reading The New Yorker for the same reason having canceled my subscription a year ago or so, after subscribing for decades. I can read it in the library but generally not interested any more. People have simply gotten tired, fed up, bored. irritated, whatever, with all the political stuff.

One wonders if we might see the same thing on cable networks and or network television.

It was interesting to note that the Weekly Standard may be ending, it was a conservative outlet, but interestingly enough, it was noted for being anti-Trump.

In Other News


  1. I watch OLD classic movies.. today 80 days around the world is on movie channel..NO cable tv for me.. using broadcast antenna , just like I had as a youth. don

    1. I tried doing the same but cannot pick up any network with antenna in our downstairs apartment.

  2. I checked out on cable news, ...... pretty much American political news except for headlines, which are laughable in themselves. I found tv entertainment on ROKU to keep me interested.

    1. Our son-in-law/daughter do not have cable networks. Like you they have ROKU / NETFLIX and love it.


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