Wednesday, September 26, 2018

Random Example Of Geologists Reports In The Bakken -- September 26, 2018

In the "old days," the report might have been: CLR drilled a successful well."

The well:
  • 32129, 832, CLR, Burr Federal 7-26H1, Sanish, 62 stages, 9.9 million lbs, gas averaged 2,442 units in the lateral, ranging from 2 units to 6,834 units, t8/18; cum --;
Today, look how detailed the reports are getting. This is just the beginning of the geologist's report. It goes on for several pages (I've broken it into more paragraphs to make it easier on the eyes):
The Burr Federal 7-26H1 was spud on May 3rd, 2016 and the surface casing was drilled out on July 22nd, 2016. Geo-Link Inc., started logging the Burr Federal on July 25th, 2016 at 1215 hours (CST) at a measured depth (MD) of 8950’.

A Mudlogging Systems, Inc. Redbox gas detection system was used for analyzing and recording total gas and chromatograph data.

The Burr Federal 7- 26H1 had preset 9 5/8” surface casing at 1975’ MD. An invert mud system was used to drill out from surface throughout the landing of the build section. The first BHA used included (Bit #1) an 8 3⁄4’’ Security MM65D bit, a Schlumberger PDX6 Power Drive RSS, a Mpact 7/8 lobe, 5.0 stage, 0.0° Fixed Bent Housing (FBH) mud motor, and a Multi Shot serial MWD tool. This BHA was used to drill out from surface casing at 2014’ MD and drilled 5976’ MD, where there was a trip for the BHA at 7990’ MD on July 24th, 2016 at 1350 hours.

On July 24th, 2016 at 2350 the trip back in the hole (TIH) was completed with a new BHA which included (Bit #2) an 8 3⁄4’’ Reed DS616M-X1-Z, a Schlumberger PDX6 Power Drive RSS, a Mpact 7/8 lobe, 5.0 stage, 0.0° FBH mud motor, and a Multi Shot serial MWD tool. This assembly drilled to 9088’ MD in 13.42 bit hours and a total of 1098’ MD, where there was a trip for the RSS not responding to the downlinks and the angle was dropping and drifting hard right, on July 25th, 2016 at 1415 hours.

The TIH was completed at 0325 hours on July 26th, 2016. The new assembly contained (Bit #3) an 8 3⁄4” Security MM55D, a Mpact 7/8 lobe, 6.4 stage, 1.5 FBH and 4.24’ Bit to Bend mud motor and a Multi Shot serial MWD tool. This assembly drilled to the kick-off point (KOP) of 10380’ MD and was reached at 0700 hours on July 27th, 2016. This assembly drilled to the land of the build and curve section at 11185’ MD, for a total of 805’ MD in 15.59 bit hours.

The build was landed at 1420 hours on July 28th, 2016, at 11185’ MD, 10622’ TVD at a projected inclination of 89.9° and an Azimuth of 269.5° in NESW Section 26, T153N, R93W (3135’ FSL & 567’ FEL). Seven inch (7”) Intermediate casing was set at 11185’ MD on July 29th and 30th, 2016 and cemented.

The up hole markers logged were the Base of the Last Salt (BLS) at 8843’ TVD, Mission Canyon at 9026’ TVD, and the Lodgepole at 9654’ TVD. The down hole markers below kick off point (KOP) consisted of the False Bakken at 10444’ TVD, Upper Bakken Shale at 10459’ TVD, Middle Bakken Member at 10478’ TVD, Lower Bakken Shale at 10545’ TVD and the Three Forks Bench 1 at 10593’ TVD. The up hole markers, BLS, Mission Canyon and Lodgepole formation all came in low to the prognosis, 14’, 16’ and 4’, respectively. All of the tops below KOP came in 5’ to 9’ high to the prognosis. (See the Burr Federal 7-26H1 Vertical, TVD and Horizontal Logs for any additional information).

Gas observed in the vertical, build and tangent sections, which showed gas averaging 23 units (u) through the Lodgepole formation, with a max gas of 182u and with no background sample shows or oil shows. There was a slight increase in the gas going through the Upper Bakken Shale, max of 291u, and in the Middle Bakken Dolomite gas was averaging 152u of background, or average gas, and a max of 275u. The Lower Bakken Shale had a maximum gas show of 850u and averaged 405u. The Three Forks Bench 1, the zone of interest, had an average gas shows of 374u and a max show of 689u.
A Shout Out To The Texas Department Of Motor Vehicles

My wife needed to get her driver's license renewed this year, specifically before Thanksgiving. Because of new TSA / Homeland Security rules, she could not renew by mail. She had to "show up in person" with a gazillion forms of identification, "preferably a passport," proof of citizenship, a notarized birth certificate, proof of residency, a copy of our mortgage or lease agreement, proof that she had visited "The Alamo" at least once in the last ten years, a signed statement pledging allegiance to the Republic of Texas, and a signed letter of support for Senator Ted Cruz.

Fortunately she still had her passport "card." She lost her passport in a flood two years ago. Another long story. 

For the past week, she tried to arrange for an appointment by telephone or on-line. The website was not taking reservations and the half-dozen DMV sites within reasonable driving distance were not taking phone calls. 

She commiserated all week which DMV site to visit: the smaller one close by or the "mega-center" in Ft Worth. We had heard horror stories about the four-hour wait at the smaller site and mixed reviews about the under-staffed "mega-center."

Among the locals, the visit to the Texas DMV ranks right up there with the boogeyman, the dreaded Bakken decline rate, and Trump's trade war on China.

She left in pouring rain this morning at 6:45 a.m. with expectations of being in the DMV parking lot by 7:30 when the doors opened.

I received a text message that she had arrived at 7:25. I was dropping off the granddaughters at school.

Then nothing. May dropped off the grid. 7:45 a.m. and no update. 8:00 a.m., no update. Did she get in? How long was the line? Was the computer system working? Were they "taking" Japanese-Hispanic women today? 8:15 a.m. No text. Nothing. Perhaps the DMV is the "undisclosed" location used in times of presidential emergencies, and all communications with the outside world are "blocked."

8:17 a.m., this text message: "All done. I'm on my way home." With a smiling face emoji.

I can hardly wait to hear the whole story. LOL. 

I don't want to take anything away from Captain Cook and his voyage into the Great Barrier Reef but a successful return from the Texas DMV certainly ranks right up there with the other great manmade terrestrial and extraterrestrial expeditions. 

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