Saturday, December 24, 2016

Four Dots To Connect Regarding Natural Gas -- December 24, 2016

First dot: India's growing dependence on imported natural gas.
  • natural gas: India did not import any natural gas until 2004
  • India: 4th-largest importer of natural gas (behind Japan, South Korea, and China); 
Second dot: where does India get its imported natural gas (same link as above):
  • mostly from long term contracts with Qatar
Third dot: what countries produce the most natural gas?

Fourth dot, an observation: US begins exports of shale gas to oil-rich UAE and Kuwait (previously posted at the blog).

As long as we have come this far in the blog, we might as well go one step further. The EIA recently pointed out that Canada was the fifth-largest producer of dry natural gas (I have no idea why that deserved a special tweet, but I'm glad it did).

The US now has a president that is pro-growth, and a global-warming skeptic.

Canada, meanwhile, has another Obama in office: anti-growth and a strong believer in global-warming.

One wonders how George Soros will be playing the US-Canadian currency market? It seems to be an open-book test.

The Apple Page

This feature has been around "forever," but it has only been in the last couple of weeks have I discovered how incredibly useful it is. But, regardless of the usefulness, I am blown away by the fact that "it works."

I'm taking about single-finger use of the Apple track pad; the two-finger-swipe of the track pad; and, the three-finger swipe of the track pad. There's actually also a four-finger swipe of the track pad, but it's identical to the single-finger touch.

Sophia, our 2.5-y/o granddaughter taught the various swipes to me. I did not know how she was effortlessly getting from one screen to another.

The single-finger use simply moves the arrow-icon from one point to another point on the page.

The two-finger sweep moves the entire page around, which is very, very useful when the content of the page extends beyond the borders of the browser.

The three-finger sweep moves the entire screen from desktop to another desktop. For those without multiple monitors (which is most of us 24/7 and all of us when traveling) this quick three-finger sweep is very, very useful.

One doesn't really need these additional two-finger and three-finger swipes all that much, but when called for, they are really nice to have. In fact, without them, I'm not sure how else one can accomplish the same thing in a different way. 

Until recently, I did not know how Sophia, 2 1/2 years old was navigating through all my files.

Speaking of which, Sophia has, more than once, re-set the "settings" on her grandmother's smart phone to the point that my wife is unable to use her Apple phone. She has to have our 10-year-old Olivia get back "into" the phone and re-set everything back to default or back to how May had her phone working in the first place.

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