Monday, November 9, 2015

Atmospheric CO2 Concentrations At 400 PPM Are Still Dangerously Low For Life On Earth -- November 9, 2015

I don't have time to really go into this but these two stories to explain why global warming is a scam.

In the first story, Bill Nye, the science guy, says global warming is apocalyptic -- that at current trends the world will be self-destruct by 2025 or something to that effect -- and yet he talks about cost of wind coming down from 2.1 cents to 1.8 cents. If things are as apocalyptic as Bill suggests, we all better quit using ALL fossil fuel energy immediately. Talking about wind going from 2.1 cents to 1.8 cents is not going to prevent an apocalypse. Oh, did I mention that Bill Nye is promoting a new book? Everyone is getting in on the act. I assume Dr Oz will start talking about global warming, if he hasn't already begun.

And the UN knows it. The second story is that the UN -- after telling us for years that we face an apocalypse at 400 ppm CO2 (where we are now) -- has just raised the ceiling for CO2 emissions it will accept.

I didn't read the entire article, mostly just the headline and a bit of the lede. The UN raised the ceiling in the hope that it could bring on more countries to sign a new commitment to transfer billions of dollars from the US and Germany to South Pacific islands that might go under rising seas. Of course, the money would be transferred via the UN and slightly less would leave the UN than would come in. Management fees, no doubt. The Clinton Foundation would be second line behind the UN collecting some of those fees, followed closely by Bill Gates (not his foundation, just Bill Gates).

From The Washington Post story, the newspaper that broke the Watergate story decades ago:
The U.N.’s environmental authority has quietly raised its assessment of the level at which global greenhouse gas emissions must peak to avoid dangerous climate change, as governments seek a new accord to fight global warming.
In its first four annual emissions reports in 2010-2013, the United Nations Environment Program said emissions must not exceed 44 billion tons in 2020 for the world to limit global warming to 2 degrees C (3.6 degrees F).
But with real-world emissions rising far beyond that level, UNEP has since last year downplayed its focus on 2020 as a make-or-break year for emissions reductions.
Some years ago when the global warming "thing" came up I asked the questions:
  • what is the "right" temperature for the world; and,
  • who sets the thermostat?
Those two questions have never been answered.

A reader send me an excellent link that addresses that very question. I don't have time to go into it now, but it's an incredibly interesting article: Atmospheric CO2 Concentrations At 400 PPM Are Still Dangerously Low For Life On Earth.

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