Tuesday, June 17, 2014

Enbridge 1, Activist Nuts 0

I assume the activist environmentalists who showed up to protest, drove up in their gas-guzzling SUVs.

Sorry about that. My editor posted the headline and the line above; by contract I am not allowed to change it.

The New York Times is reporting:
The Canadian government’s approval of a major pipeline running from the Alberta oil sands to a new port on the coast of British Columbia has intensified opposition from aboriginal groups, environmentalists and community advocates.
The Northern Gateway project, which the government approved on Tuesday as expected, would send heavy, oil-bearing bitumen to Asia, giving Canadian producers better access to the world markets. The pipeline, being built by Enbridge, has been championed by the federal government as a way to diversify Canada’s energy industry from its current dependence on exports to the United States.
But opponents in British Columbia, who span the political spectrum, threatened to block the pipeline altogether. The fear is that the pipeline would make the province vulnerable to an oil spill, damaging the rugged and scenic coastline.
Whatever. Something tells me I won't see this pipeline completed in my investing lifetime. Which is not all bad.


  1. Obama's legacy: Hating our friends and loving our enemies. Education without character equal foolishness. On one front we are refusing economic stability with our friends on another we are allowing economic fruit to end up in the camp of the enemy. This is what happens when an individual and group defines morality contrary to Natural law. We reap what was sown. Hopefully we will sow better votes next cycle and have better choices.

    1. Agree 100%. The biggest problem I have with activists is their hypocrisy: they show up at the protests having arrived in late-model, shiny SUVs.

      Over the weekend, Leonard DiCaprio, the keynote speaker for "My Ocean" conference, partied on the world's fifth largest yacht owned by one of the richest oil tycoons.

  2. I wish I was born pretty so I could be rich: or is it I wish I was born rich instead of pretty. Hypocrisy is always ugly because character is more important than outward appearances. I agree with you on that important observation.


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