Saturday, February 1, 2014

Saturday Morning

Yesterday it was noted that Oasis will be drilling as many as 21 wells in one 640-acre spacing unit.

Today, The Dickinson Press is reporting the effort to more efficiently drill the Bakken. There is nothing new in the article for regular readers of the blog. The Dickinson Press also has a headline story on CBR. Must be a slow news day.


  1. the local rumor is ALL of the Reporters for the Dickinson press are going to Pennsylvania to see the furry Mammal tomorrow.. You need to stay on top of the Breaking News.. don

    1. ... and that would explain the stories in "The Dickinson Press" today -- reprints from earlier days in the Bakken. I am most surprised that the newspaper had no headline story on either the $34,000 / acre paid for the Bakken this past week, or the fact that Oasis plans to drill 21 wells in one 640-acre section. Well, actually, on second thought, I'm not all that surprised.

      You know, I do get a kick out of this. Over on the east coast, Governor Cuomo signs an "executive order" directing his emergency response agencies to review their emergency response procedures, and the Oasis CEO says, "hey, let's see if we can drill 21 wells in one section?" LOL. Of the two, Governor Cuomo and the Oasis CEO, I know who is having more fun.


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