Friday, December 21, 2012

How Good Is Bakken Lite? How About $131/Bbl Good

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According to the company, Bakken is lighter and sweeter than North American benchmarks such as Louisiana Light Sweet , Alaska North Slope and Kern County . It is also ligthter and less-sulphurous than international rivals like Nigeria's Qua Iboe and North Sea Forties.
Bakken produces a far higher share of valuable light products and far less residuum than other markers, without the need for expensive conversion and upgrading.
When distilled, one barrel of Bakken will yield about 43 percent of products in the gasoline range, and more than 10 percent suitable for making jet fuel, as well as 43 percent in the distillate zone, leaving almost no heavy residuum.
According to Continental, the distillation products from Bakken were worth almost $131 per barrel compared with $127 for WTI and just $120 for Forties, based on crude and products prices on September 21.
Bakken's quality is also far more consistent than output from Eagle Ford, the other big shale play. Bakken has a consistent quality of 42 degrees API, where Eagle Ford crude/condensate ranges widely from as little as 28 degrees to as much as 63, and must be blended to achieve even quality.
I assume less refining, less CO2. But I could be wrong. 


  1. I was under the impression that the bakken oil was sold at the WTI rate due to the distance to transport. Is this correct? Could you explain further.

    1. This might be a good place to start:

      That post is tagged with three or four tags which will take you to multiple postings regarding the pricing of Bakken.


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