Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Yes, Let's Duplicate Fracking Regulations!

White House aide says outreach to domestic oil and gas industry is not a "head fake." If so:
One of the biggest is whether federal fracing regulations, such as the ones the US Department of the Interior and Bureau of Land Management proposed on May 4, are even necessary when many producing states already regulate operations aggressively, Gerard told reporters after the meeting.

“The first thing the president’s interagency taskforce should have done, once it was formed, was to sit down and review all of the agency and departmental proposals to regulate fracing and toss out the ones which are unnecessary and irrelevant,” he suggested.

Zichal maintained that the administration recognizes that states are the most effective fracing regulators, and is trying only to produce federal regulations which complement what they’re already doing. “There’s a lot of terrific work happening at the state level, and we’re willing to provide technical support where it’s needed,” she said.
MAD Magazine used to have a section called, "when they say, they really mean." What the administrator really means, "Yes, we know the states are doing a lot of terrific work. In fact, their work is so good, there is a real risk that it will derail the administration's efforts to kill the fossil fuel industry. By duplicating regulations at the federal level, we can double the time needed to get anything done."

North Dakota does not need any technical support, thank you.

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