Monday, February 6, 2012

Finally, Finally, The Matthew Schmidt -- Reports an IP -- The Bakken, North Dakota, USA

Link here for "new wells reporting."

Specifically, the Matthew Schmidt:
Compared to their wells in the Dimond, this is a pretty nice Cabernet well. 


    1. Hey Bruce how R U doing today Tues. I saw this Matthew Schmidt note on mon. eve. Is this a daily IP I am not sure just if U could fill me in. Also does it have a pump now and fracking is done so hope we see this for a long time Thanks Gene

      1. This well is not yet on a pump according to NDIC data.

        It has been pumping since May, 2010, and has pumped 110,000 bbls of oil so far.

        It is currently off-line (or was when the NDIC last updated their data) -- this either means a work-over rig or they are putting a pump on. I suspect a pump.

        A pump does not affect the production per se.


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