Wednesday, March 9, 2011

KMOT: Lady Bug Becomes Official North Dakota Insect But No Update on the Jaynes Well Fire Near Arnegard/Watford City -- North Dakota

I am unable to find an update on the Jaynes well fire northeast of Arnegard/northwest of Watford City. I assume it is still burning. A spokesman said it would likely continue to burn until specialty oil well firefighters arrived on scene to put the fire out.

The last update on was last night and nothing since then (at least that I could find) and nothing on other regional media sources. But KMOT did have the lady bug story.

No update speaks volumes.

Update: fire-fighting equipment reaches site, March 9, 2011. The story was posted yesterday, March 9, 2011, but I did not see it until this a.m.


  1. In the media one must have priorities to save space and time. Like 15 min. coverage of Oprah with Michele O.

  2. Thanks.

    From my blog, one might think I'm:

    a) all gloom and doom;
    b) more conservative than a John Bircher;
    c) obsessed with the Bakken; and,
    d) no sense of humor.

    Actually, I think I have a great sense of humor.

    I'm obsessed with the Bakken only as far as it has become a "hobby" for me. I could quit the blog tomorrow except I feel I would let down a lot of readers. In fact, at this point, I'm doing it more for folks like you than for me. I now know all I need to know about the Bakken and the blog has served its original purpose.

    So, having said all that, I had to really laugh when yesterday/day before, the fire was a "huge" story, and today (I assume the fire continues), not only is there no update, but they found room for a lady bug story (and I'm really happy they found time for that lady bug story -- it was priceless). But the lady bug story and no update on the fire puts things into perspective.

    Thank you very much for writing. I always enjoy feedback.


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