
Thursday, June 27, 2024

Big Story Today: How Fast Renewable Energy Has Fallen Out Of Favor -- June 27, 2024

Locator: 48050LNG.

Tag: electricity, renewables.

LNG: Venture Global -- mentioned many, many times on the blogNow, today:

Indian Oil: to triple LNG imports by 2030. Link here. From 7.8 MTPA currently to 20 MTPA.

Renewable Energy Losing Its Halo

The big story today: how fast renewable energy has fallen out of favor. Note that even the "big guys" are now talking modular nuclear 'cause they know solar and wind ain't gonna cut it. And, if lucky, they will see return on investment in eight to ten years. Meanwhile, the mom-and-pop, Cramer home-gamers are seeing huge returns in legacy oil and tech.

EPA on notice: link here.

Dan agrees: link here.

BP halts hiring, slows renewable energy rollout. Link here. Remember: BP had taken the lead a decade ago. Investors not impressed. HALTS hiring for renewable programs. My hunch: the "rest" of the market is spooked by "Nvidia." Investors now have something else in which to invest, and it's now renewable energy.

Europe stepping back on renewables: link here.

Modular nuclear: Bill Gates, Warren Buffett. Hope to see returns in eight to ten years. Link here. Many other links. This article is already three years old -- any returns yet? Any dirt being moved yet? I don't know.

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