
Thursday, June 27, 2024

The "Aha!" Light Bulb Just Turned On -- June 27, 2024

Locator: 48051B.

Mom-and pop retail investors, hedge fund investors, Wall Street analysts finally have something other than renewable energy to get their attention: "Nvidia." 

In this case, "Nvidia" is being used as a metonym" for tech. 

It's very possible that some years from now it will be widely felt that the demise of the renewable energy was due to many, many, many factors, but the tipping point was "Nvidia." 

So, put your marker on "2024" as the year we started to see the beginning of the end for renewable energy on a major scale. 

Seriously, if given the opportunity to invest $1,000 today, would you put it in SolarEdge or Nvidia?

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