
Wednesday, May 1, 2024

Musk Changes Course -- May 1, 2024

Locator: 47025TSLA.

Tag: "Musk changes course"


  • Tesla chugging along
  • Musk goes to China
  • Musk changes everything
  • begs the question: what did Musk see when he went to China?


May 2, 2024: Tesla is pulling back from EV charging, and people are freaking out. Link to WSJ.

May 2, 2024: crossing the chasm -- five thoughts on Tesla's confusing metamorphosis. Link here.

May 2, 2024: Tesla retreats from next-generation "gigacasting" manufacturing process. Link here.

May 2, 2024: Tesla's supercharging network was critical for US EV success. Link here. This move by Elon Musk is 1000% inexplicable. Looking for more funding from US before expanding network?

Original Post 

Pick your date, somewhere between April 1, 2024, and May 31, 2024. I choose May 1, 2024, mostly because it's easy to remember. 

This is the date Elon Musk took the fork in the road. This is the date Elon Musk changed course. His strategic plan has changed. But no one can possibly know at this point what his new strategic plan might be. Time will tell. What does he see for EVs ten years out? And where does he see Tesla in that future?

Elon Musk's actions this past month have been very, very confusing, interesting, perplexing, strange. Some of his recent actions seem to make sense, but in toto, as a whole, his actions do not add up to an easy explainable strategy.  

A number of Tesla / Musk headlines caught my attention so far during this two-month period (I'm writing this before the second month is completed; indeed it is only one day old so far, but I expect a lot of interesting Tesla / Musk headlines this month of May).

The most interesting headlines:

Number 1: The most interesting headline: in a surprise move, Musk axes the team building the supercharging network. Link here.

Number 2: Tesla rescinded interns' offers just weeks before they were supposed to start. Link here.

Number 3: Musk's surprise visit to China seemed to have prevented TSLA's free-fall. Link here.

Number 4: Musk’s overhauls resulted in changes to his executive bench that he previously touted. Link here. Again, key executives resign, citing chaos in the company.

Before the month is out, I assume we can find ten most interesting headlines between April 1, 2024, and May 31, 2024.

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