
Wednesday, May 1, 2024

Most Important Legal Opinion Reported Today -- May 1, 2024

Locator: 47026LAW.

Most important legal opinion reported today?

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The lede (and all I need to know):

A U.S. appeals court on Wednesday said a lawsuit filed by 21 young people claiming the U.S. government's energy policies violate their rights to be protected from climate change must be dismissed, this time for good.
A three-judge panel of the San Francisco-based 9th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals said in a five-page order that the case should have been dismissed after the court first weighed in on the matter in 2020, when it said courts could not mandate broad policy changes that are better left to Congress and the executive branch.

There are at least eight reasons why this legal opinion is the most important legal opinion reported today. See if you can spot more than three reasons. I may or my not come back to this any time soon, but don't want to lose it, so it's being posted before it's ready for prime time.

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