
Saturday, March 9, 2019

Week 10: March 3, 2019 -- March 9, 2019

Top international energy story: Norway's $1 trillion wealth fund dumps energy holdings.
Top US energy story: Chevron and ExxonMobil have huge plans for the Permian. Many posts; this was one. Also, here. And, here.

Top US non-energy story: US House of Representatives cedes control to freshmen women.

Geoff Simon's top North Dakota energy stories
  • Williston leaders to address residential housing shortage issue -- still? The boom began in 2007 -- that's almost twelve years ago
  • Legislators propose tapping into Legacy Fund to eliminate future state income tax
  • SD legislature passes Keystone XL bill -- the one that will "cost" protestors; 
  • ND considers easing process for bioremediation of oil spills
Parent-child wells in the Bakken
CLR's Sakakawea Federal wells;
CLR"s Jersey well update;
Staggering MRO wells have been updated
Update of several Burke County wells
CLR reports huge fracks 

Enbridge's Line 3 delayed for at least a year, Minnesota

Fracking strategies in the Bakken

New ND state law defining mineral rights ownership under "the Lake" ruled constitutional
Bakken boom explored in exhibit at MIT in Cambridge, MA

Bakken economy
Legacy Fund deposits continue to decline 

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