
Saturday, March 9, 2019

Whiting Looking To Expand Footprint -- March 9, 2019

Natural Gas Intelligence has update on Whiting. This information was previously posted from a different source but it's a nice update.  The article is on fracking. Data points:
  • Whiting has moved to what they call "generation 5.0" fracking (I'll get the link later)
  • Generation 5.0 has resulted in Whiting re-designating some Tier 2 locations as Tier 1 locations
  • CEO states that last year (2018), Whiting was able to perform "some of the most innovative and effective completions in the Bakken,” he said. That revolutionized thinking "about what constitutes best practices" in the Williston Basin, including success in the Cassandra area.
  • Whiting is also looking for ways to increase its footprint (think Grail)
  • Whiting is staying above the 88% natural gas re-capture rate (flaring) by focusing on areas where natural gas gathering and processing exist
  • production:
  • 4Q18: 129,960 bopd, up 8% y/y
  • for full CY18, production averaged 127,980 bopd vs 118,120 bopd in 2017 
  • CAPEX for 2019: $820 million
  • plans to drill 132 wells; complete 154, and put 146 into production
Somewhat unclear from the article: "increase its footprint":
  • to this by re-designating Tier 3/Tier 4 areas it controls to Tier 2/Tier 1?
  • acquire additional Bakken acreage?
As discussed on the blog some weeks ago, I'm looking for Whiting or CLR to show interest in QEP's "Helis Grail" oil field.

Easter: about 40 days away.

Easter: a movable feast.

Easter: In 325CE the Council of Nicaea established that Easter would be held on the first Sunday after the first Full Moon occurring on or after the vernal equinox.
From that point forward, the Easter date depended on the ecclesiastical approximation of March 21 for the vernal equinox.
According to the Bible, Jesus Christ's death and resurrection occurred around the time of the Jewish Passover, which was celebrated on the first Full Moon following the vernal equinox.
This soon led to Christians celebrating Easter on different dates. At the end of the 2nd century, some churches celebrated Easter on the day of the Passover, while others celebrated it on the following Sunday.
This year there is a full moon on March 20th, and April 19th.  So the first full moon after March 20th would be April 19th, a Friday this year. Therefore, Easter should fall on April 21. Let's check. It does.

It all works out. And because the earlier full moon was the day before the equiox (March 21), this would make it the "latest" possible Easter. At least one would think.

I could be wrong but  it appears the lunar calendar is more reliable than Punxsutawney Phil.

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