
Tuesday, August 21, 2018

Week 33: August 12, 2018 -- August 18, 2018

This posting was delayed a few days and will include posts later than August 18, 2018, but ... whatever.

This week was marked by announcement of some incredible wells (which seems to be the norm these days); for example:
Active rigs trending down in the Bakken
Highlights of CLR's 2Q18 earnings call

Continue to increase in the Bakken -- regardless of what others say
Ten producing DUCs reported as completed

North Dakota purposely cuts oil production to slow down flaring

Breakeven in the Bakken: $35 -- Rystad; $17 in some areas -- NDIC  

Bakken 2.5 -- year-end update, 2017
Has US shale peaked?

Vern Whitten aerial photos of western North Dakota -- top post of the week
Writer suggests Oasis was a recent seller of acreage to Whiting

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