
Tuesday, May 21, 2024

June, 2024 -- NDIC Hearing Dockets

Locator: 47152DOCKETS.

June hearing dockets.  

Link here.

The NDIC hearing dockets are tracked here.

As usual this is done very quickly and using shorthand for my benefit. There will be factual and typographical errors on this page. Do not quote me on any of this. It's for my personal use to help me better understand the Bakken. Do not read it. If you do happen to read it, do not make any investment, financial, job, relationship, or travel plans based on anything you read here or think you may have read here. If this stuff is important to you, and I doubt that it is, but if it is, go to the source. These are cases, not permits.

Thursday, June 20, 2024
Four Pages

Link here.

The cases:

  • 30986, NDIC, to terminate a Glass Bluff-Madison Unit, McKenzie, Williams;
  • 30987, Grayson Mill, Ragged Butte-Bakken, establish an overlapping 2560-acre unit;; one well; McKenzie.
  • 30988, Iron Oil, Bear Butte-Bakken and/or Red Wing Creek-Bakken, establish an overlapping 3840-acre unit, one wells;
  • 30989, Iron Oil, Parshall-Bakken, to establish six 1920-acre units, four horizontal wells in each unit (24 wells); establish three 1920-acre unit, four wells on each unit (12 wells); Mountrail County;
  • 30990, Hunt Oil, Parshall-Bakken, establish two overlapping 1920-acre units; three wells on each unit (9 wells); Mountrail
  • 30991, CLR, Thorp-Federal 2-28H, #40356, exception to rule; Dunn County; file #40356, rule exception, Dunn County; notice to dismiss.
  • 30992, Zargon Oil, convert #6738 into an injection well; Haas-Madison Unit, Bottineau County;
  • 30993, Grayson Mill, pooling,
  • 30994, Iron Oil Operating, pooling,
  • 30995, Zavanna, commingling,
  • 30996, Caliber Midstream North Dakota, SWD,
  • 30997, Formentera Operations, SWD, 

Wednesday, June 19, 2024
Six Pages

Link here.

The cases:

  • 30961, Five States Operating, Rocky Hill-Madison Pool, establish a standup 480-acre unit, one well, Stark County;
  • 30962, Hess, Ray-Bakken,, establish three overlapping standup 1920-acre units; four horizontals one each unit (12 wells); establish an overlapping standup 1920-acre unit, five wells; and establish an overlapping 3840-acre unit, one well (total of 18 wells in this case), Williams County;
  • 30963, Hess, Ray-Bakken, establish an overlapping standup 1920-acre unit; two wells; establish an overlapping standup 1920-acre unit, three wells; establish two overlapping standup 1920-acre units, four wells each; establish two overlapping 3840-acre unit, one well; total 16 wells in this case; Williams.
  • 30964, BR, Little Knife-Bakken, amend, two horizontal wells on an existing overlapping 2560-acre unit; Dunn County;
  • 30965, Hess, pooling,
  • 30966, Hess, pooling,
  • 30967, Hess, pooling,
  • 30968, Hess, pooling,
  • 30969, Hess, pooling,
  • 30970, Hess, pooling,
  • 30971, Hess, pooling,
  • 30972, Hess, pooling,
  • 30973, Hess, pooling,
  • 30974, Hess, pooling,
  • 30975, Hess, pooling,
  • 30976, Oasis, commingling,
  • 30977, MRO, commingling,
  • 30978, Neptune Operating, pooling,
  • 30979, Neptune Operating, pooling,
  • 30980, Neptune Operating, pooling,
  • 30981, Neptune Operating, pooling,
  • 30982, Neptune Operating, pooling,
  • 30983, Neptune Operating, pooling,
  • 30984, Neptune Operating, pooling,
  • 30985, BR, commingling, 

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