
Tuesday, May 21, 2024

A Lot Going On At The Moment -- May 21, 2024

Locator: 47151TECH. 

Blogging will be hit and/or miss today due to family commitments, but I was blown away when adding to my CRH today (by rule, no recommendation, see disclaimer) how incredible the tech sector is doing. Wow.

Most interesting "question" to explore today: why is Target cutting prices? My first thought, they won't lower prices below costs. So, one of two things is going on. More later. I think you will find it interesting.

The tickers:

  • QCOM: up $3.33; up 1.7%; trading just above $201.
  • MSFT: up $6.29, up 1.5% trading just above $431.
  • NVDA: flat
  • AMD: down $1.95; down 1.2%; trading just under $165
  • MU: down $1.68; down 1.3%; trading at $127
  • AAPL: most surprising, holding its own, iup $1.14; up 0.6%; now trading over $192 -- who wudda thought?
  • INTC: down 46 cents today; down 1.5%; trading at $31.64.

MU: just out today, from Reuters --

INTC chart, the once-darling of Wall Street. Folks on CNBC are still recommending it. See this post: wiki has updated its "transistor count" page.

All for now.

Oh, one last note. After years of watching CNBC, and most recently, watching CNBC very, very closely, it's interesting to hear comments from analysts representing banks and insurance companies. Completely different than analysts representing tech companies. Just an observation.

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