
Friday, March 4, 2022

This Is What Putin Never Counted On -- March 4, 2022

Why Russian oil can't find buyers even as crude soars above $100 / bbl. Link here. Or direct to paywall at MarketWatch

Biden: leading from behind.

  • about the only US politician refusing to sanction Russian oil; even Pelosi says to sanction Russian oil;
  • but killed the Keystone XL first day in office;
  • keeps the leasing permitorium in place; but,
  • can't bring himself to sanction Russian oil.
  • but he will eventually come around. Leading from behind.

Stories on Russian economy: a race against time is tracked here.

Something The Boston Marathon Bomber Never Counted On

Link here

US Supreme Court reimposes death sentence for Boston Marathon bomber. Now, let's schedule the execution and bring a bit of closure.

The Biden administration, like its permitorium on oil easing, has also ordered a moratorium on executions. 



  1. the blame for high oil prices rests with Texas drillers...they pulled 4 oil rigs out this week after Jennifer Granholm told them to drill baby drill..

    1. Texans march to a different drummer and they're upset no one from Washington is telephoning them.

  2. US industry doesn't trust this administration. They will shift back and forth in terms of anti-shale stance, based on recent events. But drilling campaigns, gathering pipelines, etc. all depend on the medium-term (say two year) outlook. And nobody can forget Biden saying he would ban fracking (during the Democratic primaries, even if walked back later). Nobody can forget the illegal leasing halt. The permitting halt. Keystone kibashed. Other pipelines harder to get (anti infrastructure FERC member added). Etc. Etc. The time to worry about energy security was before a crisis. Oh, but enjoy those renewable unicorn farts.


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