
Friday, March 4, 2022

Reason #4 Why I Love To Blog -- Readers Educate Me -- March 4, 2022


Later, 4:10 p.m. CT: UNP closed up $9.19 / share; closed at $265.65. Held the gain after hours. Whoo-hoo. I can buy Sophia a new pair of shoes. LOL.

Later, 12:28 p.m. CT: this is insane. How high will UNP surge today? It's up $8.11 / share now.

Original Post 

This was obvious to everyone but me ten years ago. I've long forgotten what I posted but a reader told me that "trucking" and "rails" compete. When things are bad for one, things are generally bad for the other.

I took that to heart.

Earlier today I posted that readers would do well to look at railroads.

Today, UNP:  

Last September (2021): $190.

Now, why is UNP doing so well. 

Two reasons:

  • US economy is surging; and
  • diesel is costing upwards of $6.00 / gallon


  1. Perfect example of how Trucking and Rail compete:

    Years ago mid '90's maybe there was on the Oregon statewide ballot the question of whether to end Oregon's rule of allowing triple trailer semi's in the state. Logic was neither Washington St or California allowed them.
    The hidden agenda was the entire campaign was financed and backed the Rail industry and connected unions. What doesnt move cross country by Truck is moved by rail.
    Was voted down by significant margin. And triple trailers still roam the Oregon interstate Highways.

    1. Very, very interesting about rail industry funding the campaign against trucking. I never would have guessed it. Very, very frustrating.

  2. What didnt go by truck had to go by rail. Very self interest driven


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