
Monday, November 1, 2021

Russia, Germany, Gazprom, Natural Gas, And All That Jazz -- November 1, 2021

I'm going to re-post, in its entirety, an earlier post on Russia, Germany, and natural gas.

For the next ten days, every world leader except the leaders of Russia and China are going to tell "us" that "we" can no longer afford to depend on fossil fuels. It will be interesting to see if Mr Putin might want to call "our" collective bluff, cut off natural gas to Germany and ask them if Ms Merkel really believes fossil fuels are no longer needed. 

Remember: Nord Stream 2 has not yet been "approved," as far as I know. Fact check me on this.

I doubt that will happen, that Putin would cut off natural gas to Germany, but it's an interesting story, and for that reason, am re-posting an earlier post in its entirety.



November 1, 2021: Europe's gas prices soar again on lower Russian supply. This seems to confirm an earlier tweet: flows of natural gas at the Mallnow entry point in Germany of the Yamal-Europe pipeline dropped to zero on Saturday. Link to Tsvetana Paraskova.

November 1, 2021: Is Russia actually moving gas east out of Germany? "EU demand met in full." Gazprom says EU demand met in full after Mallnow flows reversed. Link here.  

Original Post

Link here.

Russian pipeline changes direction: energy politics come to the fore. Link to DNYUZ.

A weapon? From Reuters, "Russia is close to using natural gas as a weapon in Europe's gas crunch" -- a Biden administration energy advisor. The advisor may be a nominee for the 2021 Geico Rock Award. Don Trump saw this coming two years ago.


  1. The Germans are electing a new leader now. No more Merkel. Maybe they could come to an agreement with the Russians to split Poland between them. If at first you don't succeed, try, try again.

    Pack your winter coats in case you want to stab the Russians in the back afterwards. Messed that up last time.

    1. I see I misspelled "Merkel" again. I'll fix that.


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