
Monday, June 21, 2021

Notes From All Over -- The Mid-Afternoon Edition -- June 21, 2021

What is it? Link here

Let's see:

  • the trailer: 3 x 3 x 4 = 36 wheels or 9 x 4 = 36 wheels
  • truck: 2 x 4 = 8 plus 4 (?) = an additional 12 wheels
  • anything this big and this long and this strange has to be associated with wind energy


US Covid-19 vaccination rollout: the numbers for the Monday report are pending, but the Sunday report was very, very dismal. 

Generally above 1.2 million, the Sunday report showed only 848,611 vaccinations given in the previous twenty-four hours. Last Sunday, exactly one week earlier, it was reported that 1,209,817 vaccinations were given (this would include one-time injections as well as second-dose injections. The decrease in number of vaccinations reported yesterday represents a 29.86% decline form the prior Sunday. Percent of Americans over the age of 18 considered fully vaccinated is running about 55%. That's a dismal number but compared to the global percentage of about 4%, the US is doing quite well, thank you. 
The president's goal: having 70% of all Americans over the age of 18 (or is it over the age of twelve, now?) to be fully vaccinated by July 4, 2021. Not gonna happen at this rate. 
Safety and efficacy? This appears to be the largest study of any vaccine ever developed and both safety and efficacy seem to be "proved."

PGA: the story seems to have changed a bit. Previously, about two weeks ago, the articles suggested PGA players were not getting their Covid-19 vaccinations. Now, it appears that that may not be entirely accurate. See today's WSJ article on Rahm winning the US Open. See this blog from June 5, 2021. I'm not sure the "stories" add up. But then that's just me. And remember, if this is accurate, the vaccines have been available for more than six months. 

From the linked WSJ article:

Over the course of 15 days, Rahm rode a pandemic roller coaster unlike anything else in sports since the onset of the pandemic. He received the results of a positive Covid-19 test on national television when he was on the verge of winning another tournament. Instead of collecting a $1.7 million prize, he quarantined. And this weekend he emerged in the most dramatic way possible: Rahm actually won the US Open.


  1. My guess was a tunnel boring machine, but the dual heads???

    1. With the way the two "heads" are configured in the photo, there should be a third, which is exactly what a well boring drilling machine would have -- LOL.


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