
Saturday, June 13, 2020

Emily -- June 13, 2020

If you want the link, you will have to google it. It shouldn't be too hard to find.

If you find the article, it begins:
America has now deployed its first female stealth fighter pilot into combat, the Air Force announced.

Capt. Emily Thompson, call sign “Banzai,” made headlines after she became the first female to fly the F-35A Lightning II into combat. On June 9, the Air Force released a statement announcing that Thompson had deployed but did not specify when or where. The statement also noted that Thompson had an all-female maintenance crew to launch her historic flight.

Although she initially wanted to be an engineer, once she got the chance to fly a plane instead of just repair it, she changed course. She trained on F-16 Fighting Falcons during her college training, then flew F-16s for a year and a half before transferring to the F-35A model.

For Arianna, Who Wants To Be A Marine Biologist

From Watts Up With That? Ocean deepening is here!
  • oceans are at their deepest in 250 million years
  • they have hardly been deeper in the last 400 million years than now
The lede:
According to their reconstruction (and others), 100 million years ago, during the middle of the Cretaceous Period, the oceans were about 250 meters shallower than they are today *and* sea level was about 250 meters higher than it is today. Process that for a moment
The oceans were 250 meters shallower, but the water level was 250 meters higher than it is today. This was due to the geometry and distribution of the ocean basins. While advancing and retreating ice sheets may have played a role in Cretaceous marine transgressions and regressions, the Cretaceous sea level paradox was a tectonic feature and a boon to humanity.

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