
Friday, March 20, 2020

Wuhan Flu: SARS-CoV-2 And COVID-19

This is Page Two

Coronavirus: statistics. By country. By state.

US seasonal flu: statistics, October 5, 2019 -- May 30, 2020 (eight-month season)

Contagion factor: link here.


May 3, 2020: let's do the math. When we do testing in the US, it turns out that one in five test positive.
According to the Tracking Project’s figures, nearly one in five people who get tested for the coronavirus in the United States is found to have it. In other words, the country has what is called a “test-positivity rate” of nearly 20 percent. 
US population: 350 million.

Total deaths from coronavirus. The CDC admits they use very, very liberal criteria to declare a death due coronavirus. I am told that reimbursement rates for COVID-19 are much better than pnumonia NOS: 70, 000; I do not know.

20% (one in five) of 350 million = 70 million in US theoretically would test positive for coronavirus right now.

70,000 deaths / 70 million who would test positive: 0.1%.

In addition, the demographics suggests that the very old, many of whom have significant co-morbidities and live in nursing homes, account for 90%+ of US corona-virus-associated deaths.
May 3, 2020: Sweden won the debate. Personally I'm getting tired of the "blame game" and arguing about who won the debate. That's why I like watching poker. Poker players learn by playing. Poker players are forced to work with the hand they are dealt. Poker players cannot predict what cards they will be dealt, nor can they predict how their opponents will respond. When a hand is over, a hand is over. They move on to the next hand. They don't debate each hand until the cows come home.
We are now ready to benefit from both the draconian lock down efforts and Sweden's "herd immunity" strategy.

1.The goal of the draconian lock down efforts was to flatten the curve. It was not to stop the spread of the virus, nor decrease the number of ultimate cases and ultimate deaths.

2. The powers-that-be were panicked over the thought that the heath systems would implode, that they could not keep up.

3. The health systems have now had time to prepare, the curves have flattened (everywhere, with some notable exceptions).

4. We should now implement Sweden's strategy. Open "everything" up with targeted surveillance, and targeted responses.

May 3, 2020: Remdesivir is probably worthless. At best it shortens the illness from 15 days to 11 days. By the time one starts using remdesivir the body has pretty much neutralized the virus and the illness is now more a function of the immune response and repairing the damage.

May 3, 2020: more and more crazy talk that the virus was manmade. If so, it was "made" a long time ago. Its RNA genome does not appear "novel."

May 2, 2020:
May 1, 2020: incredibly damning summary of the Cuomo COVID mess in NY state and NYC.  Link here: I doubt it will be reported in the NYT but the public knows what is going on.

April 27, 2020: for the numerically challenged, the Wuhan flu Update on the USNS Comfort in NYC harbor ... no longer needed.

April 20, 2020: Social disobedience. I read that the governor of Wisconsin will extend the "stay-at-home" orders if people disobey current orders.

April 20, 2020: Trump was right ... again. Wuhan flu is no more serious than seasonal flu. And there's a vaccine for seasonal flu. 

April 20, 2020: review article discussing origin of this particular coronavirus

April 9, 2020: tea leaves suggest we could start seeing a loosening of "stay-at-home" rules starting as early as next week. 

April 8, 2020: some reports suggest Boris Johnson, UK PM, is improving. Can't wait to find out if he was treated with hydroxychloroquine, zinc, and/or azithromycin. And maybe Hydrox cookies.

April 7, 2020: leading by example. Of all public personalities, the only one wearing a mask --

April 6, 2020: Ventilators are no panacea. Again, some common sense. On another note, I can't imagine the virus not being endemic by the end of the year. Unless it just disappears like swine flu.

April 5, 2020: USA Today confirms Trump was accurate -- the Obama administration did not replenish N95 masks after repeated calls to replenish depleted supplies due to use during multiple crises.
We rate this claim TRUE because it is supported by our research. There is no indication that the Obama administration took significant steps to replenish the supply of N95 masks in the Strategic National Stockpile after it was depleted from repeated crises. Calls for action came from experts at the time concerned for the country’s ability to respond to future serious pandemics. Such recommendations were, for whatever reason, not heeded.
March 31, 2020 modeling Wuhan flu.

March 30, 2020: Trump, 136 -- Madcow, 0 -- Madcow said the ships wouldn't arrive for "weeks and weeks." Madcow is as accurate as Baghdad Bob, and just as "mean" as Hillary.

March 29, 2020: peak deaths -- April 13, 2020.

March 28, 2020: I would love to be a fly on the wall. Trump is taking his advice from the public heath professionals, particularly the CDC and the "talking heads on MSNBC." He has no choice.
He tweeted late on this date that he is considering a quarantine on "hot spots" in the US -- specifically NYC which is now on track to have more cases than the entire country of China, due to "open door" policies of the Cuomo brothers and de Blasio. If Trump declares a quarantine, Governor Cuomo says this means "war." It will be interesting to hear the CDC's official advice to the president. It is very clear to me what Dr Fauci would recommend based on his past statements. My two cents worth: President Trump should not quarantine any state.
March 22, 2020: update --

March 22, 2020: update, link here.

March 21, 2020: chloroquine.

March 21, 2020: person of interest, a Harvard professor. Archived.

March 20, 2020: is it time for China to ban flights from the United States?

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