
Sunday, November 10, 2019

This Is Simply Another Example Of All The Work That Is Left To Be Done In The Bakken -- November 10, 2019

Another shout-out to the roughnecks. 

This is an incredible story. So many story lines. Note the "new" production data, and then think about full-cycle costs; half-cycle costs; costs during a downturn in the oil sector; etc., etc. 

All of a sudden that CLR Cedar Coulee case in the September, 2019, hearing dockets starts to make sense.

First, look at this post from earlier today: OMG! CLR Did It Again! The CLR Carus Wells -- Cedar Coulee -- Section 28-147-96.

The phenomenal Carus wells are sited in section 28-147-96 and run north into section 21-147-96.

From the September, 2019, hearing dockets, this case (not a permit):
28056, CLR, Cedar Coulee-Bakken, on an existing 2560-acre unit, sections 20/29/32-147-96; and, section 5-146-96; 22 wells; Dunn County
This 2560-acre unit is a four-section stand-up directly west of the Carus wells. There are already six wells in those four sections, but they are 1280-acre spaced wells.

So, let's look at #16648 again; there was something that caught my eye. The NDIC map suggests this old well has a second lateral which is not often seen in an old well in the Bakken (or any Bakken well for that matter unless there was a problem with the first lateral).

The well:
  • 16648, 508, CLR, Carus 13-28H, Cedar Coulee, t8/07; cum 411K 9/19;
From the file report:
  • permit: a Burlington Resources well with a different name: Carus 24-28H
  • back in 2007, it was spud, drilled to depth; IP of 508; Oakdale field; open hole frack with 1 million lbs sand;
  • in January, 2008, the well was transferred to CLR (still Carus 24-28H)
  • sundry forms continue to show this as file #16648, Carus 24-28H
  • stripper well determination, June 17, 2016, by CLR
  • name change to Carus 13-28H, October 16, 2018
  • November 10, 2018: CLR sundry form that is plans to re-enter this well
  • the Carus 13-28H is a re-entry horizontal
  • it was originally spud June 10, 2007
  • the re-entry was completed November 28, 2018
  • so this is lateral #2 which I believe runs straight north and is west of lateral 1, the original horizontal
  • side-tracking (the second lateral) began on November 24, 2018; total depth was reached November 28, 2018
  • frack data is not yet posted at the NDIC site
  • FracFocus says the well was fracked, 2/20/19 - 3/6/19; a huge frack: 11.6 million gallons of water; 88.9% water by mass; 10.6% sand by mass;
Recent production:

PoolDateDaysBBLS OilRunsBBLS WaterMCF ProdMCF SoldVent/Flare

Re-entry or new well: this brings us back to a discussion back in the early days of the Bakken boom. Mark Papa, CEO of EOG at the time, said it would be easier to drill a brand-new neighboring well than to re-enter/frack an older/existing well. The jury is still out on that, of course, but I have seen no (?) examples of an operator drilling a new well right next to an existing well, and plugging the older, existing well. I have seen many re-entry wells. I have also seen many re-fracked wells. And finally, I have seen so many older wells with a jump in production despite no new frack simply due to new neighboring wells being fracked that I no longer bother to track them, except by exception. I now lump all of these together as "advantaged oil" which is not quite the correct definition as used by BP and others, but I like it for the Bakken. Makes my life easier.

This was the original production back in 2007 after the first frack:

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