
Tuesday, April 16, 2019

Pelosi, Et Al, Have Not Been Able To Do The Math -- April 16, 2019


April 17, 2019: just like clockwork. Yesterday, Yuma became the second city to cry "Uncle." Today, this headline: group of 170 migrants surrender at Texas border. From McAllen, TX, the main route for drug smuggling and human trafficking, a group of 170 migrants from Central American surrended to US authorities shortly after crossing the Rio Grande. The migrants claimed to be from Honduras, Guatemala, El Salvador, and Nicaragua.

Original Post

We now have the second city crying "Uncle!" First, it was Las Cruces, now it's Yuma, Arizona.

I don't think Pelosi et al understand the math.

Less than an additional 200 migrants overwhelmed Las Cruces, NM. Now, Yuma says it's reached its breaking point. The number of immigrants coming in was not noted, but my hunch it's far less than 100,000.

The federal government says it rounded up 103,000 illegal immigrants along the southern border in March, 2019.

If the trend continues, it's hard for me to believe that Arizona, New Mexico, or Texas will vote against Trump in 2020.

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