
Sunday, November 15, 2015

Week 45: November 8, 2015 -- November 14, 2015

The top story of the week: oil nears $40/bbl.

I think this is the most under-talked about story in the Bakken right now, the fracklog. Everyone is concentrating on the "number," when, in fact, that's just a small part of the overall story. Here some things to keep in mind when thinking about these 1,000+ wells waiting to be fracked:
  • they are all in the sweet spots of the Bakken
  • operators have spent 7+ years perfecting completion techniques, resulting in huge 90-day production, and then 1-year production profiles
  • every well in the Bakken -- especially in the sweet spots -- will create a halo effect on neighboring wells 
  • the infrastructure is most robust in the sweet spots of the Bakken
  • 3 - 5 days to frack; once decision is made to frack, oil will moving fairly quickly after that

Spectacular production! 
Water-flooding the Bakken 
The Red Queen has not fallen off the treadmill; it will take awhile for the Red Queen to fall off her treadmill;

Fracklog at 1000+ -- SeekingAlpha
Halo effect 
Increased volumes of fracking sand being ordered from suppliers
Halo effect?
Fracking led to a lot of jobs

Update on the Dickinson refinery 

Keystone XL analysts need to be looking west, not east
Number of North Dakota millionaires jump
Random fallout from the Keystone TKO

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