
Friday, July 24, 2015

Week 29: July 19, 2015 -- July 25, 2015

The big story has not changed, except that the price of crude oil (WTI)  dropped below $50. North Dakota rigs hit a post-boom low of 68 but then bounced back to 73 where it stood at the end of the week.

Eighteen (18) new permits Friday
Eleven (11) new permits Thursday
Ten (10) new permits Tuesday
Ten (10) new permits Monday 
Unique well in North Dakota
Active rigs drop to post boom low, 68 

3 of 4 wells coming off the confidential list are not being completed/fracked 
Whiting reports two more incredible Tarpon Federal wells; 90-stage and 62-stage fracks
Propane fracking 
NDIC reports 28 wells completed -- turns out to be no big deal
Halo effect of fracking
Federal fracking rules delayed another month
How much fresh water being used in Bakken fracks? 

Bakken Economy
Four fourth year in row, North Dakota ranked #1 in economic well-being of children
New year-found fitness center to be build in Killdeer, ND
Spiritwood, Jamestown, North Dakota update

A great photo of Saudi Arabia
EQT reports record NG well in the Utica
Plans going ahead to put in as much as 80 million bbls of new crude oil storage along the coast
Saudi's crude oil exports drop to lowest level since December, 2014
Renewable energy fees proposed by MDU
Five-million-fluid-ounce crude oil spill in northeastern Montana

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