
Saturday, July 25, 2015

Another Photo Of Statoil's 5-Well Pad West Of Williston -- July 25, 2015

As promised, here is the second of several photos that will be posted over the next several days. The first batch of photos will be of the Statoil Trust wells a few miles west of Williston. This 5-well pad is just east of another 4-well pad in the same section.

A huge "thank you" to the reader for sending these photos.

Price Of Whole Fryers

With recent news of chicken and egg shortages due to "bird flu," and the arrival of beer can chicken season, I've been following the availability of chickens and their prices in the local stores.

At Costco yesterday, whole fryers were going for 69 cents/lb, if I remember correctly. All I know for sure is that I bought two small fryers -- two of them -- for a total of $7.50.

At Minyard's next door, whole fryers are going for $1.5/lb; similar fryers are selling for 68 cents/lb at Albertson's two blocks away, a short bike ride. [Minyard's is a Texas-based store, pretty much limited to the DFW area.]

I didn't check the price of "organic" chickens at Albertson's but at Minyard's, "organic" fryers were going for $2.59/lb or thereabouts. It might have been $2.47. Anyway, a single "organic" fryer was $10+.

Availability was no issue at Costco, but at both Minyard's and Albertson's there were only about 8 at the former, a dozen at the latter, a fairly small number.

Ahi tuna fillets were very inexpensive at Albertson's -- one could buy three 5-ounce steaks pre-wrapped for $4.95. I bought two fresh 5-ounce tune fillets for $3.50 each ($7.00 total).

The tuna was significantly less expensive than the one corn-fed Angus rib-eye that I bought.

One package of Johnsonville bratwurst to round out the grill.

On the bike ride home -- temperature was 94 degrees, forecast to hit 99 -- I noted all the huge SUVs and pick-up trucks. Mostly huge SUVs. I got to thinking about "culture" across the US. I have my own world view of the southwest, the south, the northeast, and the midwest. The only areas of the continental US I really don't feel comfortable talking about / thinking about is the far southeast (Florida, Georgia) or the far northwest (northern California, Oregon, Washington). With regard to the far southeast, we did live in Alabama for two years, so I feel I have a pretty good understanding of that area. And in the Pacific Northwest, our younger daughter lives there and we have visited occasionally but not enough.

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