
Saturday, August 10, 2013

37 US Pipeline Projects Planned Or Underway

That's the headline: "planned or underway," so I assume the article does not include the projects that have been completed since the Bakken boom began in North Dakota in 2007, and in Montana in 2000.

Don sent me the link; the Financial Post is reporting:
Oil pipelines in the United States are undergoing a historic realignment in response to new production in the Eagle Ford development in south-central Texas, redevelopment of older production in the Permian Basin and new flows of oil from the Midwest and Canada that have oversupplied Midwest markets.
Here is an updated list of 38 projects planned or under way in the United States, including the controversial Keystone XL.
Note to Don:

1. I don't know if you recall, but I have a similar page in which I keep track of pipelines that interest me; it looks like the Financial Post did the same thing but, of course, much better. I track the pipelines that interest me here (the page has not been updated in awhile):
2. I once said TransCanada should just announce they no longer need the Keystone, but I am wrong. Let them make President O'Bama make a decision on a pipeline that no longer matters with regard to oil. It only matters with regard to how our closest ally and our largest trading partner sees the US in the future. Actually, they know this has nothing to do with the US per se, just a jerk of a president who cares not who he throws under the bus.
3. 37 new, extended, and reversed pipelines. It's amazing how fast free market capitalism can respond. Sort of puts the Keystone XL into perspective, doesn't it?

By the way, note that the Seaway is bigger than the Keystone and I believe the first phase has already been completed. This one pipeline may have been the key pipeline in bringing WTI back to parity (or near parity) with Brent.

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