
Thursday, April 11, 2013

Thursday Morning Links: Oasis Reported 7 Wells; Several Good Ones; Judge Rules For Martha Stewart

Judge finds for Martha Stewart in Macy's Case

Chesapeake shareholder suit dismissed 

Wells that came off the confidential list Wednesday have been posted. KOG has a gusher.

Wells that came off the confidential list Thursday have been reported. OXY USA has quite a well. Oasis had a number of good wells.

Active rigs: 190 (steady, relative high since the intra-boom low)

Jobs report: jobless claims drop an astounding 42,000. Last month's huge rise was simply an anomaly. Happy days are here again. Futures will edge up.

RBN Energy: California crude-by-rail terminals.

Two great economic stories:
WSJ Links

Section D (Personal Journal): 
  • Smile: It's Thursday in Augusta
Section C (Money & Investing): 
  • Corn futures rise on corn report. Didn't we just read yesterday corn would be in the doldrums? 
  • OXY Plus would shake big oil.
  • T-Mobile upsets the Apple cart, heard on the street. T-Mobile will require no contract and will sell the iPhone for $100 (full retail, $580). The monthly bill will be an additional $20 until the phone is paid off. Teenagers and low-income folks (and maybe me) will love this. I have to check the data plans and the national coverage. I still prefer my Sprint non-smart phone. 
Section B (Marketplace):
Section A:
  • Obama makes budget gamble; throws grandma under the bus. No link; story everywhere. Budget proposal DOA. Like most presidential budget proposals. 
  • Post Office won't end Saturday mail service. Ever.
  • Does anyone know if North Korea was able ever to get a missile launched overnight?

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