
Friday, February 1, 2013

Friday Morning

Wells coming off confidential list have been posted; scroll down.

Big story on BHI sent in by reader; scroll down.

RBN Energy: over-built takeaway capacity in the Eagle Ford.
Eagle Ford pipeline takeaway capacity is four times production and local refinery consumption  – an excess of over 1.3 MMb/d. More than 20 pipeline projects are already built or under construction to move Eagle Ford production to market. Today we review recent Genscape research on Eagle Ford infrastructure and assess the takeaway balance.
WSJ Links

Section M (Mansion): not read

Section D (Arena): later

Section C (Money & Investing):
Early payouts of dividends, bonuses spur a windfall; the gap between the "haves" and the "have-nots" widen; lack of political leadership, uncertainty driving unintended consequences;

Jobs environment changes with the times;

Bottom falls out of debt-ridden city; Harrisburg, PA:

'Loonie' slips on oil patch; plunging Canadian crude prices, worsening trade deficit pressure the currency;

Royal Dutch Shell's stock could do with a wake-up call;

Section B (Marketplace):
Cheap gas lets factory rise again on Bayou; Nucor, great article

Best Buy to close 15 stores in Canada

Section A:
Wow, a disaster on The Hill, and he will still be approved; an administration puppet; he admits as such, saying he is not a policy maker;

Page 3, and we've talked about page 3 before: drug tunnels have feds digging for answer; US agents can spot the passages, but the brains behind them prove elusive;

Op-ed: the truth comes out -- immigration's poison pill: Big Labor; unions have long used Democratic allies to kill any reform that includes a guest-worker program. Time for GOP to get on board. What a great op-ed.

Op-ed: Wal-Mart wants you! The retailer offers a job to any returning veteran who wants one.  Will other companies follow suit?

Op-ed: ObamaCare's broken promises. Every one of the main claims made for the law is turning out to be false.


  1. story is the same in the Bakken. Too many rail facilities and too much planned pipeline capacity. Bakken is at or close to overbuilt.

    1. You must have missed a lot of stories over the past few days regarding the Bakken, and seriously misread the RBN Energy story.

      If you can provide some links supporting your view, I will post them.


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