
Thursday, January 16, 2025

Five New Permits -- VLO Raises Its Dividend -- Thursday, January 16, 2025

Locator: 44699B.

Politics: for the record, I hope Trump pardons NYC mayor Eric Adams sooner than later. It's gonna be great seeing a convicted felon pardoning all these folks. What a story. This story -- a felon pardoning felons -- will take a chapter in Trump's six-volume biography. I assume, as a felon, Trump can't vote any more. 

I would love to see Trump pull liberals' chains (or whatever the idiom is): Trump needs to muse out loud:

"As a convicted felon, I have an evolving compassion for convicted felons. How deeply it affects their family. How difficult it is to get a job. And some aren't allowed to vote. I'm thinking that maybe all felons, once they've served their sentence, should be pardoned, and taking it one step farther/further, the US president should be able to pardon state felons. Maybe all non-violent incarcerated felons need to be pardoned. Yes, I have an evolving compassion for felons. And I'm not up for re-election. Sort of like Joe Biden pardoning his own son."

Back to whether the phrase "convicted felon" is redundant or a tautology, see this link.

There's a lot of irony in this story and it's not as simple as it might seem. At this link, in a nutshell:

Under Florida law, if a voter has an out-of-state conviction, Florida will defer to that state’s laws for how a felon can regain his or her voting rights. 

For Trump, that means he will benefit from a 2021 New York law that allows people with felony convictions to vote as long as they’re not serving a term of incarceration at the time of the election.

For other Floridians with felony convictions, the rules are not so simple.


Focus on dividends, VLO: link here -- 

(1.13 - 1.07) / 1.07 = 5.6% increase in its dividend

Share price today = $139.37

(1.33 *4) / 139.37 = 3.2%. 

Date of record: January 30, 2025.

Payable: March 3, 2025. 

The rate was 4.1% on year ago.

Back to the Bakken

WTI: $78.68.

Active rigs: 31. Winter is setting in; has set in.

Five new permits, # 41522 - #41526, inclusive:

  • Operators: Petro-Hunt (3); Enerplus; CLR:
  • Fields: East Tioga (Mountrail); Eagle Nest (Dunn County); and, East Forks (Williams)
  • Comments:
    • Enerplus has a permit for a MHA Thorn well, SWSE 16-148-94, 
      • to be sited 307 FSL and 1970 FEL;
    • CLR has a permit for a Syverson well, NENE 13-156-100, 
      • to be sited 625 FNL and 362 FEL;
    • Petro-Hunt has permits for three East Tioga oil field wells, two Torgerson wells and a single Lee well; 
      • to be sited 249 / 250 FNL and 2285 / 2140 FEL.

The Music Page

"Moon River."

Link to The Atlantic Monthly.

The object of affection is the river itself. Clever use of metaphors (?) throughout the song.

Coming home from Jiu-Jitsu last night, I asked Sophia, age 10, if she had heard Huckleberry Finn and/or Tom Sawyer. Something she doing at the time reminded me of those two characters. She had not heard of either. 

The Adventures of Tom Sawyer: ages 9 and up.

The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn: ages 12 and up. 

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