
Monday, December 9, 2024

A Trifecta Weekend -- December 9, 2024

Locator: 48361INVESTING.

Tag John Bogle investing  Aptitude

The trifecta.

Assad falls.

NYC assassin suspect caught.

MNF: Cincinnati Bengals hosted by the Dallas Cowboys. (Cowboys lose 27 - 20 in regulation.)

Doesn't get much better than this. 

On A Completely Different Note


One day later: after posting the note above, a reader sent me a very, very interesting link to a story "vouching" for the note below. The link is here. There's so much packed into that one essay a college professor could carry it for a semester. We'll post all of this again, as a stand alone post.

And then this, from The Princeton Review, SAT Vocabulary: SAT Words Still Matter.

Original Post

I consider myself pretty well read, so I'm always surprised when someone sends me something about which I know absolutely nothing.

That was the case when a reader sent me a note about the Johnson O'Connor Aptitude Test. 

Wiki entry: Johnson O'Connor.

The wiki entry is simply incredible. 

This is a most interesting site -- an "investing site inspired by Jack Bogle" in which folks talk about their experience with the aptitude test.

Where are Johnson O'Connor testing sites located? It appears that 90% of Americans live within a few hours drive a testing / research center. 

How much does it cost?

One option: take the test as a graduating high school senior, perhaps as late in the academic year as possible. By that time the senior has likely been accepted or has a good idea where she will be going to college, but has not yet committed to a major.

Then, apparently for no additional charge one is given the opportunity for an "optional" consultation within a year of the initial testing. Before the end of the first college semester, if things don't seem to be working out right or the student has second thoughts about a major, the student could go back for that "optional" consultation.

For me personally, the most interesting observation made by Johnson O'Connor was the value of "vocabulary."

Form the wiki entry:

After establishing the link between specific aptitudes and performance in certain positions, O’Connor decided to take a second look at his data and see if there were any aptitudes which were more important than others in determining general success and advancement.

It was during the course of this testing that O’Connor stumbled upon an unexpected discovery: A person’s vocabulary level was the best single measure for predicting occupational success in every area.

Furthermore, vocabulary is not innate, and can be acquired by everybody.

Because acquisition of vocabulary was not, in O'Connor's view, determined by innate aptitudes, it became a major focus of his later writings. O'Connor considered vocabulary augmentation a major key to unlocking human potential.

His later research included an effort to catalogue the most important words for English-speaking people to know and to order these words by difficulty.

O’Connor used his findings to improve vocabulary in American students. By first isolating a student’s vocabulary level through a carefully researched multiple choice diagnostic test, O' Connor believed that students could enter a vocabulary program of study that matches their skill level. It is at this level, and just beyond, where learning is most efficient.

Ivy League schools, specifically Harvard, place a lot of emphasis on vocabulary testing during the admission process. 

All of this has been an outstanding journey for me. 

And the cherry on top (as they say): finding the Boglehead site. LOL.

For those unfamiliar with John Bogle, link here.

One will never exhaust the Boglehead site. At the Boglehead site, getting started: at the introduction:

Bogleheads emphasize regular saving, broad diversification, and sticking to an investment plan regardless of market conditions.
We follow a small number of simple investment principles that proved over time to produce risk-adjusted returns far greater than those achieved by the average investor. They have been further distilled and explained in thousands of posts on the forum.
The power of the wiki is its ability to link content. If a topic has a link, there is more material available. This is not a structured course. Use [the links on the site] to explore anything you want, and consider bookmarking this page in case you get lost. The start-up kits [at the site] are designed to help you begin or improve your investing journey.

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