
Sunday, September 1, 2024

US Field Production Of Crude Oil -- September 1, 2024

Locator: 48513EIA.

The EIA data was released August 30, 2024.

In 1000's bopd.

Link here


  • above 12 million bopd every month since August 2022
  • above 13 million bopd every month since August 2023 (with one exception, January, 2024)


  • from 13,189,000 bopd to 13,214,000 bopd = an increase of:
  • 25,000 bopd
  • 0,190%

In storage:

  • 425 million bbls
  • 25,000 x 30 days x 6 months = 4.5 million bbls
  • analysts tracking the SPR: using metrics developed prior to the Bakken revolution
  • US field production --
    • 2011: 6 million bopd (Bakken revolution in ND reaching its stride)
    • 2024: 13 million bopd

US EIA: link here. Domestic consumption has flatlined.

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