
Wednesday, August 14, 2024

Chevron's Anchor Project -- First To Use 20,000 PSI-Technology

Locator: 48414CVX.

Anchor Deepwater Development.

Original post: August 14, 2024.


Offshore Technology, August 13, 2024:

  • deepwater US Gulf of Mexico
  • first to deploy 20,000 psi-technology;
  • Anchor field is estimated to contain up to 440 million bbls of recoverable oil equivalent;
  • has commenced oil and natural gas production
  • located 180 miles off the coast of Louisiana; launched in December 2019 (literally at outbreak of Covid-19 pandemic)
  • an FPU with production capacity of 75,000 bopd and 28 million cubic feet per day of dry gas;
  • subsea wells (multiple) operate at water depths of 1.524 kilometers
  • Chevron: 63% working interest
  • Total Energies: 37%

WoodPLC, posted August 14, 2024: 

  • the industry's first deepwater ultra-high pressure development to achieve a final investment decision and one of the largest projects in the US energy industry
  • digitally executed: 100% digitally executes; cloud-based; data-driven engineering
  • reduced engineering manhours by 20%

WorldOil, August 12, 2024:

  • seven subsea wells tied into the Anchor FPU located in the Green Canyon area

Offshore Magazine, August 13, 2024:

  • could operate up to 30 years
  • could ultimately lead to 30 million boe recovered
  • final FID, late 2019, $5.7 billion

NASDAQ, August 13, 2024: 

Back of Envelope

Running the numbers:

  • $5.7 billion / 440 million = $12.95 / bbl
  • 75,000 bbls x $60 = $4.5 million / day = $1.6 billion / year

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