
Saturday, August 24, 2024

BRK Only $30 Billion From Joining The $1-Trillion Club -- August 24, 2024

Locator: 48442BRK.

Link here

Looks like it's time to consider a new ETF: the TDC ETF -- the trillion-dollar-club ETF.

I assume the ETF (or an equivalent) already exists. 

Seriously, that's a fairly diversified ETF:

  • consumer electronics
  • global big cap
  • US big cap conglomerate
  • Big Pharma
  • chip foundry
  • tech

Schwab Quarterly Chartbook

My wife and I attended a Schwab quarterly chartbook briefing last week, hosted by our Schwab broker.
75 slides of charts -- the kind Liz Ann Sonders prepares. Fortunately, the speaker only went through ten slides or so.

About twenty-four of us in attendance. 

By invite only.


  • generally retirees over 65 years of age; most approaching 75, I assume
  • as many women and men; I assume many of the women were widows
  • a few of the men, like me, brought spouses; no trophy wives.


  • absolutely covered everything: all equities -- all bonds -- some REITS -- everything

Audience interest:

  • and what was the audience interested in? Bonds.


  • majority of audience, it seems, were absolutely missing the forest for the trees.
    • when you get an hour, almost one-on-one with "a Liz Sonders" and you spend your time on corporate vs municipal bonds, what an opportunity lost
  • yes, I get it -- 60/40
  • but, wow, too many folks living in the past
  • happy with locked-in returns of 4%; quibbling over 4.1% vs 4.3%.
  • my hunch: a lot of these folks were not so much 60/40 as 10/90 (equities / bonds)

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