
Saturday, July 6, 2024

Unemployment -- Another Look -- July 8, 2024

Locator: 48061JOBS.

From earlier this week:

Original Post 

Tag: jobs. unemployment.

Unemployment: Table A-15:  

Where the jobs are: federal government and local government jobs. Service jobs plateauing somewhat after a big run.

Some Follow-Up / Perspective
Posted July 8, 2024

Analysts, talking heads after the report came out:

  • the country adds more jobs -- in fact, the number of jobs added slightly -- very slightly -- exceeded expectations. Analysts were generally pleased with the report. But these same analysts failed to adequately explain why the unemployment rate increased except to suggest it was because more folks were entering the job market. 

No one mentioned the jobs being taken by "southern surge" immigrants. Perhaps the latter has nothing do with this discussion but I find that difficult to believe, and for me, some dots can be connected. 

Some links:


  • the most recent jobs report -- the June, 2024, report, sent a clear message to the Federal Reserve;
  • if the analysis is accurate -- this does not bode well for the economy -- if the Fed does cut once or even twice, it will be huge for Wall Street but not Main Street -- consumers, manufacturers, etc, simply cannot react that quickly to a rate cut -- but Wall Street certainly can.

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