
Monday, July 1, 2024

MRO, COP, Top Bakken Producers -- East Daley -- From June 6, 2024 -- Posted July 1, 2024

Locator: 48034B.

Deals affecting the Bakken are posted at the sidebar at the right. 

This was posted some weeks ago.

This is fairly old news and I assume "everybody" that needs to know, knows, and it's only me who keeps forgetting.

But for the archives:

Some mineral owners in the Bakken may be receiving royalties from MRO.

MRO could remain a wholly-owned subsidiary of COP and and royalties still coming from MRO.

Or MRO could be absorbed by BR (a wholly-owned subsidiary of COP) or something entirely else.

We won't know for awhile. Or maybe someone one knows and I don't know.

East Daley: MRO, COP, And The Bakken

The East Daley note referenced above was posted June 6, 2024, and is linked here.


Rounding, it looks like, with regard to production:

  • Chord + Enerplus will about equal CLR;
  • COP + MRO will be about one-half that of CLR or Chord + Enerplus:
  • HES will be a bit less than COP + MRO;
  • XOM (XTO) could be about half of HES


  • the "big names"
    • 1 unit: Chord + Enerplus    16/16
    • 1 unit: CLR                        16/16
    • 1/2 unit: COP + MRO        8/16
    • 3/8 unit: HES                        6/16
    • 3/16 unit: XOM                    3/16
  • all of those "big names" totaled will equal about one-half of Bakken's total production; "others" would include:
    • Kraken + Neptune
    • Grayson Mill
    • Zavanna
    • EOG
    • Petro-Shale
    • Phoenix
    • Hunt
    • Slawson 
    • Iron Oil Operating
    • Empire North Dakota
    • SOGC (Sinclair)
    • KODA Resources
    • Murex 
    • True Oil
    • Spotted Hawk, and,
    • many others


  • Chord was a merger of Oasis with Whiting;
  • Chord is now buying Enerplus

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