
Sunday, July 21, 2024

Biden Out -- 1:01 P.M. CDT -- July 21, 2024

Locator: 48204BIDEN.


Monday, July 22, 2024: Democratic presidential nominees in the modern era --

  • 2024: Kamala Harris: 
    • will Kamala repeat 1960, or begin the long run of Democrat disasters between 1968 and 1988?  On her published list, the most reasonable choice, the governor of KY -- enough to the Midwest, and north-south bridges Pennsylvania, Rust Belt with the dynamic south
  • 2020: Joe Biden -- W; VP relatively unknown
  • 2016: Hillary Clinton -- L; VP very unknown
  • 2012: Barack Obama -- W; VP very well known
  • 2008: Barack Obama -- W; VP very well known
  • 2004: John Kerry -- L; VP somewhat well known
  • 2000: Al Gore -- L; VP very well known, but generally felt to be weak
  • 1996: Bill Clinton -- W; VP well known;
  • 1992: Bill Clinton -- W; VP well known;
  • 1988: Michael Dukakis -- L; VP well known, but weak selection
  • 1984: Walter Mondale -- L; VP well known, but too soon for most Americans
  • 1980: Jimmy Carter -- W; VP well known in the midwest;
  • 1976: Jimmy Carter -- W; VP well known in the midwest;
  • 1972: George McGovern -- L; VP; didn't matter but what a disaster;
  • 1968: Hubert Humphrey -- L; VP; didn't help; in the end, hurt;
  • 1964: LBJ -- W; VP, again, well known in the midwest;
  • 1960: JFK -- W; VP, good choice in big scheme of things;

Monday, July 22, 2024: The [London] Telegraph, America is paying the price of Biden's monstrous lie.

Later, 9:57 p.m.: this is the Democratic Party’s way of invoking the 25th Amendment. One wonders if Pelosi et al were ready to Amazon a tachi or a tantō to the White House if the president refused to accept the reading of the tea leaves? Or, in the alternative, the head of a dead horse? [to Amazon, verb, transitive, “to send.”]

Later, 9:20 p.m.: I don't know how many folks have seen the most recent video of President Biden coming the steps from Air Force One. I'm not making light of this but he looked like a dead man walking. It was startling, even after seeing "the debate." Having made his decision will remove a lot of "weight off his shoulders" but if he gets into a depressive funk ....  it will be interesting to see how soon he returns to work. 

He really has only one last scheduled event of any importance: the promised "talk" with the nation about his decision. And that's it. And by the time he gives it the nation will have already moved on, to the next chapter in Kamala's political career.

I assume, to some extent, 90% of what crosses his desk will no longer seem important to him. He may hand over the reins to his VP this week. It will be the first time in his career he won't be phoning donors for contributions. It's all Kamala's show now, at least until the convention, August 19 - 22, 2024. 

Back to Kamala. There's a lot of talk about possibly someone else but at the end of the day, can anyone put together a national campaign in 77 days (August 22 - November 7)? Can she even name her VP prior to the convention?

I'm not saying Kamala Harris (or another Democratic nominee) can't beat Trump - Vance but if Trump wins by an electoral landslide, a lot of folks will suggest that Biden, his family, and his handlers set the Democratic Party up for failure. 

Absolutely fascinating.

Original Note

This was announced at 1:00 p.m. CDT, Sunday, July 21, 2024.

It's now 1:05 p.m. CDT and the news is being reported live on NBC News.

By 1:15 p.m. CDT this will be old news and the media will switch to the "search" for the Democratic presidential nominee. 

Biggest question for me: how does this affect the US equity markets tomorrow?

Back to the big story. Many, many references to the Biden family trying to make the decision. The "Biden Family"? Oh, give me a break. The Biden family: Joe, Jill, and Hunter. 

My hunch: on his way out, Joe will pardon his son, Hunter. 

Greek tragedy.

Deus ex machina

One name: Joe. Another Joe. Joe Manchin. 

If it's Kamala Harris, it's a "new" generation for America.

Kamala Harris: age, 59.

JD Vance: age 39.

JFK: 43 years of age at time of inauguration.

Today: will Hillary Clinton be first out of the gate asking for Democratic unity?

Biden's legacy: pushed out of an election twice by Barack Obama. 

Breaking: Biden endorses his VP Kamala Harris, 1:17 p.m. CDT, July 21, 2024.

The question:

  • was Biden's endorsement, his alone, or
  • did the puppet masters (Obama, Clinton) make the decision for him?

DEI: for Biden to have endorsed anyone other than his "black" female VP would have been absolutely unacceptable for the Democratic Party.

Democrats "deep bench." From The NY Times today:

The Democratic Party has a deep bench now. Among the potential candidates to watch are a handful of governors: Gretchen Whitmer of Michigan, Josh Shapiro of Pennsylvania, Gavin Newsom of California, JB Pritzker of Illinois and Andy Beshear of Kentucky. Other potential candidates include Pete Buttigieg, the secretary of transportation, and Senators Amy Klobuchar of Minnesota and Cory Booker of New Jersey.

Because she's from California, she can't pick Gavin Newsom.

Can't have two women on the ticket.

That leaves: Josh Shapiro (Pennsylvania), JB Pritzker (Illinois), Andy Beshear (Kentucky), Cory Book (NJ), and Pete Buttigieg. 

My hunch: of those left, Harris feels most comfortable with Buttigieg, but he won't play well this year. 

Illinois? JB Pritzker. Pennsylvania? Josh Shapiro.

What an incredible moment in history!

Speaking of Fossils

One of my favorite books, science, paleontology: Richard Dawkin's The Ancestor's Tale.

Link here. At the link, search ancestor's tale.

Essexella. An anemone base, not a jellyfish.


Five races left in the NASCAR race to the finish. 

Today, Indianapolis. 

2.5-mile oval. 

400 / 2.5 = 160 laps.

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