
Thursday, June 27, 2024

We're Going To Miss the 2050 Net Zero Goals By More Than A Decade -- Bill Gates -- June 26, 2024 -- Posted June 27, 2024

Locator: 48056GATES.

Cognitive dissonance:

  • being hysterical / alarmist by 1.5°C increase in global temperature;
  • not being hysterical / alarmist by the fact that AI will use unprecedented amount of electricity.

Bill Gates, speaking in London, about the huge amount of energy that large data centers (LDCs, hyperscalers) will use, Bill Gates had this to say:

"... by more than a decade." 

" ... more than a decade." Wow, if that doesn't get your attention, nothing will. That gets us closer to 2100 than 2000.

In terms of "green energy/renewable energy," Bill Gates and Warren Buffett would agree that nuclear energy falls into that category; and that, nuclear energy will be needed for the amount of electricity that will be required. 

It's interesting then, that, at least in the linked article above, there is no indication that Bill Gates mentioned nuclear energy. My hunch: speaking in London, the audience was not necessarily very pro-nuclear. If there is something the Brits seem to hate more than BIG Oil, it's nuclear power. 

I probably would have ignored the article except for its timing. I came across the article having just posted the "original note" earlier today.

I think it's fascinating.

By the way, that goal of net zero?

By the way, the roadmap to "net zero by 2050" makes these assumptions

".... electrification emerges as a crucial economy-wide tool for reducing emissions. Electric vehicles go from around 5% of global car sales to more than 60%by 2030."

"Our pathway calls for scaling up solar and wind rapidly this decade (2020s) .. this is equivalent to installing the world's largest solar park roughly every day."

Exactly from where does all that "land" for placing solar panels come.  

This is from the IEA; this is from the 2021 revision, well before anyone had any idea about the large amount of electricity large data centers / hyperscalers would need.

Is anybody reading this stuff? LOL.

Global consumption: link here. Very, very nice interactive chart.

Posted earlier: 

Renewable Energy Losing Its Halo

The big story today: how fast renewable energy has fallen out of favor. Note that even the "big guys" are now talking modular nuclear 'cause they know solar and wind ain't gonna cut it. And, if lucky, they will see return on investment in eight to ten years. Meanwhile, the mom-and-pop, Cramer home-gamers are seeing huge returns in legacy oil and tech.

Dan agrees: link here.

BP halts hiring, slows renewable energy rollout. Link here. Remember: BP had taken the lead a decade ago. Investors not impressed. HALTS hiring for renewable programs. My hunch: the "rest" of the market is spooked by "Nvidia." Investors now have something else in which to invest, and it's now renewable energy.

Europe stepping back on renewables: link here.

Modular nuclear: Bill Gates, Warren Buffett. Hope to see returns in eight to ten years. Link here. Many other links. This article is already three years old -- any returns yet? Any dirt being moved yet? I don't know.

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