
Monday, June 3, 2024

Three New Permits -- "World War"; Deflation; WTI Plunges -- June 3, 2024

Locator: 48043B.

Four big stories today:
  • economic: US economy slowing; did the economy hit a wall? GDP dropping; deflation; auto glut;
  • Ukraine: Biden to allow Ukraine to launch US missiles against military targets inside Russia; and,
  • WTI plunges: OPEC+; global economy; gasoline prices falling fast in north Texas
  • US electricity demand to continue to grow-- EIA.
Blogging: because of family commitments, blogging will be minimized, delayed.

Wiki: it's okay to say "no" and not feel guilty. Link here. Certainly needs to be fact-checked.

Back to the Bakken

WTI: $74.22. 

Active rigs: 36. 

Three new permits, #40804 -- #40806, inclusive:
  • Operators: Hess (2); Oasis
  • Fields: Robinson Lake (Mountrail); Indian Hill (McKenzie);
  • Comments:
  • Hess has permits for two EN-Horst wells, SWSW 10-154-93; to be sited at 391 FSL and 431 FWL; and, 391 FSL and 464 FWL;
  • Oasis has a permit for a Behan Federal well, spacing unit, sections 17/20/29-153-101, to be sited 536 FSL and 1660 FWL in section 29-153-93;
Change of operator:
  • 17352, Kvamme 2 1-H, from Grayson Mill to Phoenix Operating

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