
Tuesday, June 25, 2024

The Sports Season Is Over -- Except For Baseball And A Little Bit More Golf -- And Swimming, Late July/Early August -- June 25, 2024

Locator: 48035NBA.

Sports: now that the NHL season is over, Florida having won the Stanley Cup in the 7th game, let's get back to the NBA championship. 

Has the NBA championship series begun? After all, it's June and by June we should be reading and/or talking about the NBA championship. Oh, I just checked. The Boston Celtics won the series in five games -- their 18th championship -- about a week ago. Completely missed it. A player on the Boston team won the MVP award. By the way, who did Boston play?

One city isn't even mentioned in the headlines above, and the #2 team is mentioned only twice, easy to miss.

"Boston" is mentioned three out of four times in the headlines above. That's the difference between the Dallas Cowboys and the NBA. On Sports Talk TV and Radio, the Dallas Cowboys? 24/7. All Dallas all the time. Jerry Jones talks a good game. He says he's focused on winning a championship. In fact, he's focused on making money.

Quick: who won the 1998 Super Bowl? Quick: who's the wealthiest NFL owner?

I assume the three largest NBA markets are: Boston, the Los Angeles, and Dallas. 

What did we learn from this year's playoff? Link here.

By the way, why do I have so little interest in the NBA?

  • thugs
  • jocks
  • entitled
  • the game no longer looks like anything I grew up with (three step rule, traveling, palming, double dribbling, physical contact)
  • the absurdity of the NBA's half-court rule;
  • with regard to physical contact, the NBA is quickly becoming the NFL without pads
  • pretty much a non-team sport, compared to the NFL -- very much a team sport
  • pretty much a one-trick pony: the three-point shot
  • any game that matters: one only needs to watch the last two minutes
  • refs determine the outcome

Oh, the 1998 Super Bowl winner: The Denver Broncos. 

Wealthiest NFL owner: Jerry Jones. Quick: name #3.

The Book Page

I spent a lot of time updating notes from The Greek Myths, by Robert Graves. It is simply amazing the "images" from the myths that show up in the Old Testament. 

The Judgement of Paris and the loss of Eden (paradise): both involved a woman and an apple. The part of the Biblical snake was played by Eris, goddess of strife, best known for starting the Trojan War.

The Greek trinities -- particularly Athene, Aphrodite, and Hera. Robert Graves has an interesting take on that. Absolutely brilliant. Graves would have been a most interesting professor of Greek myths.

Today, I will spend a bit of time on Caroline Alexander's The War That Killed Achilles.

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