
Monday, June 24, 2024

No New Permits; Seven Permits Renewed; One DUC Reported As Completed -- June 24, 2024

Locator: 48034B. 


Stanley Cup: wow, with 13 minutes left in the first period, Edmonton ties the game at 1 - 1 -- game 7 -- everything on the line. But Florida goes on to win, 2 - 1, winning the Stanley Cup.

Original Post

Tag: Ukraine munitions arms Texas

Has Texas got it all? Oil, tech, finance, hurricanes, and now ammo? Link here to The WSJ

Story of the day: business world begins u-turn on climate targets.

Back to the Bakken

Active rigs: 38.

WTI: $81.63. Up 90 cents/bbl and the energy equity stocks surged.

No new permits.

Seven permits renewed:

  • MRO (4); BR (2), Petro-Hunt
    • MRO: Quincy, Lake Ilo, Dunn County; Middleton, Ebeltoft, and Beverly, Bailey, Dunn County:
    • BR: two Patton permtis, Bailey, Dunn County;
    • Petro-Hunt: a Sherven Trust permit - #38359, Charlson, McKenzie

One permit canceled:

  • 37679, XTO, HBU Marmon Federal; Williams County;

One producing well (a DUC) reported completed:

  • 37516, no production reported, BR, Mazama 4A UTFH, McKenzie County;

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