
Thursday, June 20, 2024

Hunt Oil With Three New Permits -- June 20, 2024

Locator: 47843B.


June 21, 2024: update from a reader in regard to my notes on naming wells. This is very, very much appreciated. 

I agree with your definition of their naming of wells.

I can add that I believe A well is on the west side of the spacing unit.

B well is still in the W2 but closer to the centerline of the sections.

C well is in the E2 but closer to the centerlin.

D well would be closer to the east side of the E2 of the section.

Formentera bought out the bankruptcy of Petro Harvester.  PH had begun using that style of naming their wells, which is why I’m comfortable with the added comment about the order of the wells.  One can see the naming procedure in 163-92 and 163-91.

Original Post 


  • Formentera Ops has three LAR1 permits with the following names
    • LAR1 26-2 161-94 ATF
    • LAR1 26-2 161-94 CTF
    • LAR1 26-2 161-94 BMB
    • I don't recall seeing such nomenclature before (I may have simply missed them), but one wonders if this is the meaning behind the naming:
    • LAR1: "LAR" for Larson oil field.
    • 26-2: although sited just across the section line in section 23, these wells will be extended long laterals, three-section, 1920-acre spacing; running from section 26-162-94 through section 35-162-94 and then bottom hole in section 2-161-94
    • ATF, CTF, BMB: TF = Three Forks; MB - middle Bakken;
    • ATF, CTF, BMB: A, B, C -- simply the chronological progression of the wells; wells A, B, and C, like wells 1, 2, and 3.
  • CLR: has four "Catron" wells; CLR often names their wells after the cities from which their roughnecks come; could it be that "Catron" refers to Catron County, NM?

Now, back to the daily activity report.

WTI: $82.17.

Active rigs: 37.

Two new permits, #40860 and #40861:

  • Operator: Hunt Oil Company
  • Field: Alexandria (Divide County)
  • Comments:
    • Hunt Oil has permits for two Alexandria wells, NENE 23-161-100,
      • both to be sited 375 FNL with one 850 FEL and the other 820 FEL:

Four permits renewed:

  • Lime Rock Resources (3): three Jore Fed permits, North Fork, McKenzie County;
  • Formentera Operations: one Lincoln State permits, Skjermo oil field, Divide County;

Six permits canceled:

  • Spotted Hawk: six Moose permits, McLean County;

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