
Tuesday, June 4, 2024

Grapevine Lake Water Level Now Exceeds The 100-Year Flood Recorded In 2019 -- June 4, 2024

Locator: 48048TEXAS.

Observation: this is what amazes me. It's not that the earth has water -- absolutely critical for life -- but that life has so much water. Earth is not a rocky planet, it's a water planet. It's a blue marble.  

Two 100-year floods in five years? Whatever happened to all drought predicted by "global warming / climate change" models? 

They must have learned / responded after 2019; this year, despite record levels, nothing serious for the city of Grapevine (yet).

In the graphic below, the only significant difference I see between 2019 and 2024, is that in 2019, the rate of increase in the water level was faster -- perhaps that's the difference.

Link here.

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