
Monday, May 13, 2024

Market Today -- May 13, 2024

Locator: 47145B. 

For those in the right stocks today (think AAPL), this was another huge (and wonderful day) to be fully invested. 

The Book Page

My book for the week, just arrived today, from Amazon. I was unaware of it until noting the sequel to this book at Barnes and Noble a couple of days ago.

The hard copy cost $135 so I bought a softcover -- Princeton University Press, so an excellent edition.

I don't care for apocalyptic "stories" but this one covers an "era" in which I have been interested in for decades, so it was a no-brainer.

The more I read, the more I realize Dr Fauci was doing the right thing. I truly admire what I know about Dr Fauci. I'll add this book to my Covid-19 library.

Likewise, the more I read, the more I realize Truman made the right decision with the atomic bombs. Most recent exhibit: page 78, Norman Mailer: A Double Life. The author's comment about Operation Coronet.

From wiki, Exhibit B.

Remember, it wasn't the US that started this war.

The Movie Page

I'm in my Apocalypse Now phase. It's obvious I missed 95% of this movie when I saw it the first time.

Link here.

Laurence Fishburne: 

 The French plantation scene cut from the "original." A must-watch for those who have not seen it.

There are times, now, decades later, that I feel / I wonder if my life has been incomplete ...

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