
Friday, May 17, 2024

EV Charging Network In France -- May 17, 2024

Locator: 47175EVS.

Link here

This is an interesting story.

When thinking EVs, there are three markets to watch:

  • China
  • North America (i.e., the US)
  • Europe

China: I have no idea what's going on over there.

I could say the same thing about Europe and North America but I think I have a better idea of what is going on in Europe and America when it comes to EVs and the charging infrastructure. 

I never imagined that a French utility would be bleeding cash with its charging infrastructure at this time in the evolution of the EV rollout. 

With all the other headwinds of which I'm aware, add this article. 

This is not a good omen for acceptance of the EV. 

This seems simply amazing. I'm still trying to process what it means.

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