
Saturday, May 25, 2024

Daily Activity Reports, Thursday And Friday, May 24 And May 25, 2024

Locator: 47170B.

WTI: $77.72.

Active rigs: 37.

Eight new permits, #40780 - 40787, inclusive (in a long note like this, there will be typographical and content errors; if this information is important to you, go to the source):

  • Operators: MRO (3), Oasis (4), Enerplus
  • Fields: Bailey (Dunn), Murphy Creek, (Dunn), Indian Hill (McKenzie), Sorkness (Mountrail), Bonetrail (Williams), Little Knife (Dunn)
  • Comments:
    • MRO has permits for three wells -- Crooks, Orval, and Belle -- NENW 26-146-93 and SESW 12-144-95; 
      • Crooks and Orval will be sited 740 FNL with Crooks be to be sited 2442 FWL and the Orval well to be sited 2402 FWL; spacing for these two wells: sections 13/14/23/24-146-93; 
      • the Belle well, will be sited 333 FSL and 2384 FWL, spacing units, sections 1/12-144-95;
    • Oasis has a permit for a Barnes Federal well, SWSE 11-152-102, 
      • to be sited 354 FSL and 2389 FEL; spacing unit, sections 2/11-152-102; 
    • in addition, Oasis has permits for two Nordby wells, NWNE 12-157-93, Sorkness oil field, 
      • both wells to be sited 2433 FEL with one at 291 FNL and one at 357 FNL, the two Nordby wells are spaced for sections 12/13/24-157-93; 
    • Oasis also has a permit for a Merlin well, SWSE 15-156-102, 
      • to be sited 454 FSL and 2575 FEL; the spacing unit for the Merlin well is section 3/10/15-156-102.
    • Enerplus has a permit for an Olson well, SWSW 34-147-97, Little Knife (Dunn), 
      • to be sited 527 FSL and 442 FWL, spacing for sections 26/27/34/35-147-97.

Four permits renewed:

  • Formentera Operations, two permits, #34950 and #34952, Portal oil field, Burke County;
  • CLR (2): two Harms West Federal permit, #38939 and #38940 , Elm Tree McKenzie

Two producing wells (DUCs) reported as completed:

  • 38011, 240, BR, CCU Plymouth 34-29MBH, Dunn County;
  • 40190, 846, Whiting, Tri D Ranch, Williams County;

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